Framingham Business Directory
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find wholesale business supplies, industrial supplies, building trade supply houses, and other companies located in Framingham, MA which stock goods in quantity and sell at wholesale.

Boston Gourmet Chefs - wholesale distributor of 100% natural pastry ingredients, pastry making tools and supplies.

Breyers Ice Cream - local producer of Breyers brand ice-cream products, Contact for local purchases or donations requests of bulk ice cream. (Bryers is a division of UNILEVER, Inc.).

Don Garland, Inc. - commercial quality janitorial supplies, steam or water extraction carpet cleaning shampoos, mold and odor solutions, all types of floor cleaning and maintenance supplies, (brushes, pads, mops, heads, buckets). Stocks many types of commercial bathroom cleaning and sanitary supplies. Also carries packaging materials.

Electrical Wholesalers Inc., New England - electrical supply inventory for residential, commercial, and industrial projects. Team has years of industry experience and can help consult on energy management, lighting, and switchgear projects, inventory management and prefab solutions. Located in Downtown Framingham near Rt. 126 / Rt. 135 (Concord St. / Waverly St.) intersection.

Embroider This - textiles wholesaler carries all types of blank items for embroidery including bibs and other baby items, kids clothing, spa items including wraps and towels, fine linens, handkerchiefs, wedding and gift items. Also carries home machine embroidery supplies.

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