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Find a swimming pool supply store, pool cleaning and service company, spa showroom or other pool services.

Aquascape Pool Designs - gunite pools, landscaped water features, patios, walkways. Contact Frank Ferrari.

Central Pools and Spas - pool equipment store carries chemicals, in-store water testing, filter and pump parts and other specialty pool and spa hardware. Located on Rt. 30, near MassPike exit 13.

Farrell Pool Service - new swimming pool installation, pool openings and closings, weekly pool cleaning and chemical balance services. Also offers pool liner replacements as well as filter and pump service and repair. (Same family owned and operated Farrell Pool company originally located in Framingham).

Leslie's Swimming Pool Supplies - pool chemicals, in-store water testing and in-store pool equipment repair. Located on Rt. 9, eastbound from Framingham Center (just before Midas). Open 7 days a week.

McCarthy Pools - new swimming pool installations, new liners for in-ground vinyl liner pools, pool openings and closings, leak detection and repair, pool filter sales and epairs located on Rt 9 West, between Rt 495 and Rt 85.

Wal-Mart - low cost swimming pool chemicals - chlorine, shock, floc, PH plus and minus, alkalinity control, algecide, etc. Also carries some small pool tools and supplies, (*seasonal only). Order larger items online for in-store pickup with no shipping charge.

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