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Businesses and agencies that provide services and support to 50+ adults in MetroWest.

Asset Mortgage Group - Traditional and Reverse Mortgage provider. Traditional mortgages for purchase of or refinancing residential property. A reverse mortgage enables older homeowners (62+) to convert part of the equity in their homes into tax-free income without having to sell the home, give up title, or take on a new monthly mortgage payment. The reverse mortgage is aptly named because the payment stream is “reversed.” Instead of making monthly payments to a lender, as with a regular mortgage, the lender makes payments to you. Contact Rich Shapiro today!

Framingham Council on Aging - Callahan Senior Center - The Callahan Senior Center offer daily activities (M-F), day trips, group travel and much more to Framingham seniors. The Framingham Council on Aging provides congregate meals, nutrition sites, home delivered meals, senior ride programs, benefit assistance, elder law, activities of daily living assessment, health insurance information and counseling, recreational activities and sports, and specialized information and referral.

Homewatch CareGivers - In home assisted living, personal home care with activities of daily living, skilled nursing and hospital discharge planning and elderly transportation services.

Interim Healthcare - in-home aide and nursing care services from hourly home health aide services to specialized physician ordered care. Medicare and Medicaid licensed and approved. Providing home care since 1982.

Jewish Family Service - JFS Signature Home Care provides long or short-term care in home, hospital or any facility with 24 hr emergency on-call access for client, family and staff. Assessment of client needs by a licensed nurse, and care by trained, experienced Certified Nurse Assistants.

Lifeline - medical alert and monitoring to reduce risks from falls, provides at-home security for independent seniors.

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