Framingham Business Directory
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Find large department stores and smaller stores that carry specialized products for your home, for decorating, cleaning, repairing things, and more other general merchandise retailers.

Babies R Us - sells baby furniture, clothes, nursery items. Located in Shoppers World, (Rt. 9 East).

Best Buy - large retail store sells electronics, home entertainment items, audio, appliances and related goods. (Located in Shoppers World, Route 9).

Oreck Floor Care Center - Framingham's Oreck Floor Care Center is located on Rt. 9 W next to Trader Joe's and Staples. Try out our OreckXL 8 lb. Classic and take the Oreck 30 day challenge. Come in to see our latest specials and for service and vacuum parts and bags. See our coupons on the coupon page.

Tachic Outlet - women's clothing and accessories store located in Downtown Framingham.

Target - retail department store sells clothes, electronics, toys, general merchandise, some automotive, food and outdoor goods. Has in-store pharmacy and snack area. Located on Rt. 30 across from Shopper's World.

The Paper Store - located in Shoppers World.

Toys R Us - large toy store located in Shoppers World, (Rt. 9 west)

Verizon Fios Store - A retail store in which you can order internet, TV ,and telephone service for your home. You can also pick up and exchange set top boxes for your TV.

Wal-Mart - department store sells electronics, clothes, food, home furnishings, automotive, outdoor supplies and just about everything else. (Entrance located off Caldor Rd. between Rt. 9 and Rt. 30)

White's Metal Detectors of New England - metal detector sales and distribution. Carries Security Metal Detectors, Industrial Metal Detectors and Hobby Metal Detectors for treasure hunter beginners to professionals -- they even carry underwater and other types of specialty metal detectors. Located on Route 9 East, between Temple St. and the State University exit)

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