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This category contains listings for companies that fill propane tanks for barbecue grills, construction heaters and other equipment which use propane gas. Some propane dealers require tank-exchange and do not fill the bottles on-site. Other dealers provide delivery / fill service for larger tanks.

Home Depot (Marlborough) - in-store 20lb propane tanks, exchange only. (Located on Rt. 20 approximately one mile west of Nixon Rd/Hager Rd).

Monnick Supply - propane tanks filled. Also carries some grille parts and accessories, spare propane tanks. Open M-F 7:30am-6:00pm, Sat. 8am-5:30pm, Sun. 10am-4pm

Suburban Propane - propane delivery service for residential, commercial, agriculture and construction uses.

West Sport - propane gas tanks filled, barbecue grills, accessories, parts and service. Also sells gas fireplaces and related equipment. Located on Rt. 20, (from Nobscot take Edgell Rd. north, turn right at end, WestSport will be on your left).

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