Framingham Business Directory
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Find hardware, lumber, tools, lawn & garden supplies, paint and many other items at these fine Framingham stores.

Lowe's - Hours: Mon-Sat 6am-10pm, Sun 8am-8pm. Visit and get more info, products, weekly specials. Framingham, MA, (Store No.2384).

Monnick Supply - family owned full service hardware store. Services include: tool rental, propane tank refills, glass and screens repair, shade cutting, keys made, sharpening service, lawn mower and power equipment repair.

Robinsons Hardware - Let our friendly staff help you with your hardware needs and repairs. Our services include: keys, FAXES, photocopying, screen repair, lawnmower and snowblower repair and more. Convenient location with a wide selection. If we don't have it, we can order it for you. We also show you how to use your new lawnmower or snowblower. Delivery service available!

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