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Find a Framingham gift shop, gift basket services, corporate gift service and other sources for unique, creative gift giving ideas.

Bravo Baskets - Custom made gift baskets for special people and special events. Nikki will take care of all your gift needs. Prompt service and unique designs make for a memorable presentation. Call Nikki Davidson for a basket that will be fantastic!

Chocolate Therapy - sells locally produced chocolates and company's own handmade chocolates. Company promotes health benefits of Dark Chocolate including antioxidant value, reduction of heart disease risk, and better circulatory health. (Located on Route 9, opposite Shoppers World)

Edible Arrangements -

Sweet Boutique -

The Paper Store -

Wild Ruby Artisan Galleria - unique artisan crafted jewelry, glass art, colorful hand painted wall art, pottery, hand-made greeting cards, and more. Alos carries a limited collection of art quilts, hand crafted wooden boxes, message bowls, gifts for house warmings, baby showers, weddings, engagements, or birthdays. (Located in Old Path Village, next to Stop n' Shop plaza).

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