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Information about organizations, non-profits, clubs, community service organizations, social service agencies, support groups, associations, guilds and other groups in Framingham, MA (USA) and the Greater Metrowest / Boston MA area. (Regional, state or national organization listings are included if that office serves Framingham residents).

A Place to Turn - Food Pantry - "A Place to Turn" is a food pantry located in Natick, serving all MetroWest residents. Close to 70% of those assisted reside in Framingham. A Place To Turn is committed to providing emergency food and clothing to our neighbors in the MetroWest community. We serve those in need in an atmosphere of caring and mutual respect. Donations are appreciated. Please visit website for details or call or email with any questions.

Adoption Choices - non-profit licensed adoption program, has been providing Massachusetts families with comprehensive adoption services with programs designed to meet the needs of the adoptive parents, birth parents, and adopted persons by providing a wide range of educational and counseling services to facilitate domestic and international adoptions.

American Cancer Society (Local Office) - Local office of American Cancer Society, a national organization which provides services and raises funds for research, prevention, detection and treatment of all types of cancer. For more information, call the local office or visit the American Cancer Society website.

American Cancer Society - Local office of national organization provides services and raises funds for research, prevention, detection and treatment of all types of cancer.

American Red Cross (MA) - American Red Cross / MA Regional Headquarters. Office has information about the four local chapters and seven blood donation centers in Massachusetts. Find information about where to blood, platelets and plasma donation, and blood drives in MA. The Red Cross offers training and certification in First Aid, CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation), AED (Automated External Defibrillator), Basic Life Support (BLS), as well as Babysitting and Child Care courses. Visit the American Red Cross website for details.

Association of Developmental Disabilities Providers - The Association of Developmental Disabilities Providers (ADDP) is a members based professional organization that promotes high standards within the community-based provider community of people that care for people with disabilities, including intellectual and developmental disabilities and acquired brain injuries.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central MA / Metrowest - You can make a difference in a child's life! Big Brothers & Big Sisters community-based program matches youth aged 6 to 12 years old with volunteer mentors from 42 cities and towns in Central Massachusetts and Metrowest. Spend time with a boy or a girl who needs a special friend. Play baseball, ride bikes, eat pizza, go fishing, enjoy a movie, go to the park, have fun!!! A Big Brother or Big Sister is an Adult volunteer 18 and older who is interested and willing to work in a unique, one-to-one, professionally supervised friendship with a child. Big Brothers/Big sisters agency staff carefully evaluate prospective volunteers, basing the match on the needs of the child and the interests of the volunteer. The children as well as the volunteers come from all walks of life, and demonstrate the diversity of the community. Become a hero. Help a child grow into their dreams.

Boy Scouts - Framingham Troop 78 - Boy Scouts of America® Framingham Troop 78 meets at St. Andrews Episcopal Church, 3 Maple St., Framingham, MA 01702. Visit website for upcoming events and links to troop's Facebook page with recent photos and news. Troop has over 50 years of history in Framingham with many Eagles Scouts coming from its ranks.

Cub Scouts - Pack 78 Framingham - Framingham Cub Scout Pack 78 is chartered Cub Scout pack (for boys and girls) in kindergarten through 5th grade. Do you enjoy hiking, camping and getting together with your friends? Looking for fun? Then the Cub Scouts are looking for you! Visit website for complete information on joining a Framingham Cub Scout den. Pack 78 Meets at St. Andrews Episcopal Church, 3 Maple St, Framingham, MA 01702

Elks Club, Framingham - The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, (BPOE), Framingham Lodge #1264. Locally known as the "Elks Club" or "Framingham Elks". Elks invest in their communities through programs that help children grow up healthy and drug-free, meet the needs of today's veterans, and improve the quality of life. Meetings are held 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. Hall Rental available.

Framingham Amateur Radio Association (FARA) - FARA was founded in 1933 and is one of the oldest ham-radio clubs in America. FARA has a varied, dynamic group of people, including persons of all ages, interests, and experience. We are located in the City of Framingham, about 20 miles west of Boston, Massachusetts, USA. FARA sponsors a wide range of activities, from radio contests to our annual Field Day operations, and family social events. We hope you’ll want to take advantage of them and we are open to additional ideas. Club meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month in the evening. *** ARRL AFFILIATED CLUB *** W1FY *** Club Station / Shack

Framingham Artists' Guild, Inc. - We are artists in and around Framingham, Massachusetts. We offer nine demos by guest artists each year. We exhibit at the Framingham Public Library in June and December; all members are welcome to submit work. We sponsor plein air outings, and connect with other arts groups. Join us!

Framingham Auxiliary Police - The Framingham Auxiliary Police is an elite group of volunteers who give of themselves to make Framingham a better place to live and work. The mission of the Framingham Auxiliary Police is to be trained and prepared to assist the Framingham Police in the event of a civil or natural disaster. Our auxiliary officer training begins with a Reserve/Intermittent police academy run by the Massachusetts Criminal Justice Training Council. After graduating from the academy, the auxiliary officers are trained in first aid and CPR/AED. After completing the initial regimen of training, our auxiliary officers continue their training in the field by helping out at numerous community activities in Framingham, helping out at the Police Station, Community Substations, and on training patrols. History: The Framingham Auxiliary Police was originally formed during World War II as there was a need for air-raid wardens to be trained and available should the country be attacked. Unfortunately, the need to protect our country has renewed focus from terrorist threats and actions. The auxiliary police stand as a ready reserve, part of our Emergency Management infrastructure, to assist in case of natural or civil disaster. As part of our ongoing training, we help out at community and civic events year-round as well as assist the Framingham Police Department as requested.

Framingham Celebration Committee, Inc. - Website has many photos from past Flag Day parade. Celebration committee, plans and runs annual Flag Day Parade in Framingham.

Framingham Democratic Committee - The Framingham Democratic Committee (FDC) is an association of registered Democrats seeking to further the principles of the Democratic Party, primarily through supporting Democratic candidates in national, state, and local elections.

Framingham Garden Club, Inc. - group meets to discuss and work on gardening and related horticultural activities and performs fundraising for local community service projects.

Framingham Hadassah - Hadassah Southern New England is all about connection: Connecting with women who make things happen. Whether we're fighting for funding for Holocaust and anti-hate education in schools, advancing groundbreaking medical research or setting a young person on a path to success — our global impact brings healing to the world!

Framingham High School Booster Room - Framingham High School Flyers Merchandise available in the Booster Room

Framingham High School Foundation - non-profit organization providing support and funding for extracurricular activities. arts, and athletics at Framingham High School. Group organizes and runs the annual Salute to Framingham dinner.

Framingham History Center - non-profit organization founded in 1888 for the purpose of preserving and understanding Framingham's rich and varied past. The society maintains its collections at The Old Academy Museum in Framingham Centre. (formerly Framingham Historical Society)

Framingham Public Library Foundation - (FPLF), non-profit 501(c)(3) organization established in 2010 to raise funds for a new branch library in Nobscot, and to create an endowment fund to supplement Town funding of Framingham public libraries. The foundation sponsors fund raising projects and events, including concerts, author readings, beer tastings and more! Funds raised helped purchase and outfit the Framingham Bookmobile.

Friends of Framingham Library - volunteer and member organization, runs monthly book sales, non-profit, raises funds to purchase additional library materials, runs related programs.

Friends of Saxonville - Community group works towards bettering and preserving the Saxonville area of Framingham, MA. Group initiatives include making Saxonville walkable, beautification, preservation and enhancement of Athenaeum Hall, Saxonville Mill area, arts programs, Sudbury river stewardship, promoting walking trails including the Carrol Getchell Trail, Cochituate Rail Trail, Danforth Street Bridge area and other community amenities.

Gateway Camera Club - The Gateway Camera Club (GCC) is made up of beginner, intermediate, and advanced amateur photographers. There is no restriction on who may join the club. While we do have monthly competitions in digital format, we are a friendly club that strives to learn new techniques, share knowledge with all members, and practice the art of photography with enthusiasm. GCC is a non-profit organization.

Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts - We’re Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts (GSEMA)―30,000 strong, with 19,000 youth members and 11,000 volunteers in 178 communities. We’re here to build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. We welcome all girls in grades K-12. You can join any day, year-round. If a Girl Scout troop isn’t immediately available in your area, consider becoming an independent member. You can do the same things, earn the same awards, and go to the same events as every other Girl Scout.

Heritage Chorale, The - We are a group of people — often about 100 voices — who love to sing. We come from more than 30 Metrowest communities to continue a tradition more than 80 years old of producing beautiful music. The Chorale's varied musical programs includes three concerts per season in the Framingham area. Music Director: Steven Lipsitt.

Independent Association of Framingham State Alumni - (IAFSA) is a self-governing, non-profit organization established in 1874 by dedicated alumni. IAFSA continues its tradition of service by receiving and administering funds that provide scholarships and benevolent assistance while maintaining the Alumni House for member and community functions. IAFSA offers approximately 30 scholarships and awards to Framingham State University students as well as interest-free loans. The Amelia Davis Fund provides assistance to alumni who might be in need of extra help. In some cases, the help has been in the form of monthly support to alumni in need of supplementary income. IAFSA's Whitney Travel Grant provides financial assistance to full-time, Framingham State University faculty members for travel with an academic purpose: pursuit of field work, research and scholarship, and participation in scientific and academic meetings and symposia. Scholarships and loan and benevolent funding are provided by donations, bequests, and rental of the Alumni House. See website for scholarship and loan applications, to make an online donation, and for information about renting the Alumni House for your next business or family function.

Jewish Family Services of Metrowest - Jewish Family Service of Metrowest (JFS) is a nonprofit, community-based organization providing services in the Greater Metrowest / Boston area. Primary focus areas include: nutrition and basic needs assistance for struggling families, programs that support the needs of low-income and first generation students so they can thrive, citizenship, immigrant and resettlement programs, geriatric care management and other support services that enable vulnerable older adults to live independently. Office hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30am to 4:30pm.

Leadership MetroWest - respected and established nonprofit community leadership development organization serving the region for 28 years. Our goal is to encourage and empower participants and alumni of our signature program, the Leadership Academy, to be more effective, engaged and collaborative leaders to move the region forward. Leadership MetroWest is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Helen Lemoine, Executive Director.

Massachusetts Brewers Guild - guild which promotes craft brewing and protects the interests of craft brewers in Massachusetts. Executive Director, Katie Stinchon.

Meals on Wheels (Springwell) - elder nutrition program locally administered by Springwell Inc. (which merged with Baypath Elder Services, Inc), provides in-home services to elders in Framingham and surrounding communities.

MetroWest Center for Independent Living - a non-profit organization that provides peer counseling, information & referral, independent living skills training, and advocacy to individuals with disabilities in the Framingham area.

MetroWest Chamber of Commerce - Founded in 1895 as the Framingham Board of Trade, the MetroWest Chamber of Commerce has evolved into the preeminent regional chamber of commerce serving the western suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts, known locally as the “Greater MetroWest” region. Our service area is primarily located between I-495 and I-95/MA-Route 128. The Chamber supports its members by providing networking opportunities, business referrals, professional and business development programs, and legislative advocacy at all levels.

MetroWest Chess Club - MetroWest Chess Club, (MCC), is the largest chess club in New England, and has served the MetroWest Boston chess community for 40 years. We welcome players of all abilities, from those just beginning to learn the game of chess to experts, masters and grandmasters. A non-profit organization, MCC is open without restriction to anyone with an interest in chess. Member Massachusetts Chess Association (MACA) / US Chess Affiliate.

MetroWest Parents of Multiples - provides educational, social and emotional support to parents and expectant parents of multiples in Boston's MetroWest suburbs. Members meet monthly to discuss the unique challenges of parenting multiples and to hear speakers on a variety of parenting topics. Members also benefit from our monthly newsletters, semi-annual tag sales, email forums and many social activities. (Formerly called "West Suburban Chapter of the Massachusetts Mothers of Twins Association" or WSCMMOTA)

MetroWest YMCA - You may know the Y for our fitness equipment and swimming pools, but did you know we also offer child care, youth sports and activities, summer camps with academic enrichment, programs aimed at chronic disease prevention, obesity, nutrition and civic engagement, Y-Night for Teens, (Saturday Night Programming for Middle School Youth), before and after school programs, Lifeguard & CPR Trainings and more! The Y helps people of all ages, abilities and incomes reach their full potential.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) - NAMI Massachusetts is a grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of relatives and friends of the mentally ill and persons living with mental illness.

Native Plant Trust - Native Plant Trust is leading our region's conservation community to save native plants and is the only organization in New England dedicated solely to protecting and restoring rare plant species, and to keeping common plants common. Trust, (formerly The New England Wild Flower Society), is headquartered at and operates Framingham's "Garden In The Woods".

Neighbor Brigade - community-based network of volunteers providing non-medical help to neighbors in need during times of temporary crisis. Neighbor Brigade establishes community-specific networks of volunteers that can be mobilized to help residents facing sudden crisis manage day-to-day tasks such as meal preparation, rides, and basic household chores. Using web-based coordination tools, we manage recipient requests and the recruitment of volunteers to fulfill those requests sensitively, quickly, and free of charge.

Pearl Street Cupboard & Cafe - Food pantry operated by United Way of Tri-County, (located in the former Framingham Registry of Motor Vehicles / RMV building). Also offer other social services including help applying for Food Stamps, Fuel Assistance, clothing and books for children, and elderly meals program. Call for open hours, (use number above at Extension #202).

Rotary Club of Framingham - a service organization of business and professional people who enjoy networking with others, being active in the community, and improving life in our own community and worldwide. Rotarians are from varied backgrounds, professions, ages, sexes, and ethnicities and are dedicated to the ideal of Service Above Self.

Samaritans - 24-Hour Suicide Prevention Hotlines: FRAMINGHAM (508) 875-4500 *** Teenline (800) 252-TEEN *** BOSTON (617) 247-0220 *** MA State-wide (877) 870-HOPE

Southeastern Massachusetts Community Concert Band - Located in the Boston MA metro-west area, this is a concert band for musicians of all ages and many skill levels. The opportunity to play is available to anyone who can read music (high school to professional level proficiency recommended) and play an instrument. As a true community band we do not exclude individual participation in our band based on full sections, band size, or audition skills. The band rehearses and performs year-round. Rehearsals are Monday evenings from 7:30-9:30 at the Community Church, 200 Main Street, Medway MA.

Special Olympics Massachusetts - provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of well-coached Olympic-type sports for individuals considered to have mental retardation, intellectual disabilities and other closely related disabilities.

Sterns Farm (CSA) - Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) working farm located in the North Framingham / Nobscot Mountain area grows a variety of high-quality produce using organic practices in a beautiful and welcoming environment. Visit website for information about becoming a Member, a "Sharer", or about volunteer and education opportunities and Seasonal "Work-for-Share" opportunities.

Sudbury Valley Trustees - Sudbury Valley Trustees (SVT) is a voluntary association of individuals, families, and businesses committed to protecting wildlife habitat and the ecological integrity of the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Rivers for the benefit of present and future generations.

The Metrowest Humane Society - MWHS focuses on the well-being of cats in the Metrowest Boston area, including finding loving homes or providing life-long care while educating the community and reducing the feral/stray cat population. MWHS is a volunteer run no-kill animal shelter.

The Salvation Army Framingham - Organization provides many services to the community including; meals programs, work training, counseling, help for the blind, deaf, elderly and handicapped, drug rehabilitation programs, AA Meetings, and more. Please call ahead for the following services: Referrals (Referrals to community resources), Good Neighbor Energy Fund (Utility assistance), Diaper Bank (Monthly diaper assistance). Major Kimberly DeLong, Framingham.

United Way of Tri-County - provides assistance to individuals, families and communites including health services, emergency food & shelter, outreach programs and wide range of other services. United Way of Tri-County operates Pearl Street Cupboard & Cafe, WHEAT Community Cupboard & Cafe and the Marlborough Community Cupboard with many types of volunteer opportunities.

Wayside Youth & Family Services Network - Wayside Youth & Family Support Network provides a wide variety of mental health counseling and family support services to children, young adults and families in many Massachusetts communities. Wayside works with families under significant stress due to mental illness, behavioral problems, addiction issues and other challenges. We also support youth who have experienced abuse, neglect and trauma. Services include transitional housing, residential, respite care, case management and resource centers. Most services accept referrals from specific state agencies, such as the MA Department of Children and Families, MA Department of Mental Health and others, which contract with Wayside to provide those services.

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