Framingham Business Directory
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This category contains listings of working farms in Framingham, MA (USA). Find farm stands, farmer's markets and in-season u-pick produce and local livestock farms where you can get fresh meat and dairy products and farm kitchen prepared foods.

Eastleigh Farm - sustainable dairy farming operation produces raw milk which is only sold at farm store. Also carries locally produced eggs, cheeses, yogurt, ice cream and other dairy products. Ice cream cones and sundaes served on premises.

Gerard Farms - farm kitchen featuring fresh turkey sandwiches, hot freshly made lunches, whole chickens and freshly made cold salads and deli items, seasonal and holiday pies and deserts. Special take-out menus for Easter, Passover, Thanksgiving, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Christmas. Summer Ice Cream Stand and Bar-B-Que with outdoor picnic table dining weather permitting.

Hanson's Farm - family owned and operated farm with small livestock area, in-season u-pick fruit and vegetables, farm stand, special fall season activities including Halloween Haunted House and Hayride.

Nobscot Artisan Cheese - located at Eastleigh Farm, certified cheesemaker Susan Rübel produces and sells cheeses made from the raw milk of Eastleigh's dairy cow herd.

Stearns Farm CSA - farm uses CSA, (Community Supported Agriculture), model. Members pay fees and work at farm for weekly share of naturally grown produce, herbs, and flowers.

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