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Visit these Framingham area thrift shops and consignment stores for great deals and maybe even find some hidden treasure.

Heritage Gallery - located in the Callahan Center Building on Union Ave. Heritage Gallery is open Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m, consignments & donations welcome. Proceeds benefit Callahan Senior Center.

ICC Church Thrift Shop - something for everyone, mens, womens and children's clothes, toys, household items. Open Tuesday-Friday 12-7pm, Saturdays 12-4pm. (Located in Downtown Framingham near Rt. 135 / Rt. 126).

Salvation Army Store - Furniture, clothes, toys, household items, books, artwork, and more. You never know what you'll find at the Salvation Army thrift store. New items every day. Open Monday through Saturday, donations welcome. (Located on Rt. 9, westbound, in the former Pier 1 Import store).

St. Vincent De Paul Society Thrift Store - thrift store located in the former Co-op Shopping center at the corner of Mt. Wayte Ave and Franklin St. Takes donations and resells used clothing, furniture, dishes and other kitchen and household items, jewelry, artwork and books. Large, well lit, clean store with large very organized clothing department.

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