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Find a Framingham chiropractor to properly align your neck, back or other joints and provide relief from temporary or chronic pain and other musculoskeletal, nerve and stress related disorders.

Chiropractic Health - Diane Arrigo, DC, member FSCO, (Federation of Straight Chiropractors and Organizations). Member MA Chiropractic Society. Office is located on second floor.

Chiropractic Solutions - Dr. Christopher Hauck and staff provide chiropractic services to relieve headaches, neck pain, lower back pain, foot, ankle, hand and wrist pain. Also provides services to help control blood pressure, cholesterol, and digestion and reproductive disorders to help individuals enjoy optimal health and maximize energy.

Downtown Chiropractic - Dr. Jeffrey Smith, DC, and Dr. Jessica Fee, DC, and licensed massage therapist Kristen Meredith and staff provide chiropractic adjustments and massage therapies to relieve back pain, neck pain and other musculoskeletal disorders.

Dr. Richard Garian DC - Back and neck pain treatments. Sports injury. Wellness Clinic. Auto Accidents. Work injuries. We take insurance.

Khalil Chiropractic - same day emergency care, convenient hours and reasonable fees. Preferred provider for Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Aetna/US Health Care, Cigna, Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare, United Health Care, Tufts Health Plan, Unicare and Medicare.

Metrowest Chiropractic Associates - Dr. Kirk Josefk, DC, James M. Hartigan, DC and staff provide a wide array of chiropractic procedures to help with back pain, neck pain and other issues.

Metrowest Spine Clinic Chiropractic Office - Drs. Howard and Laurie Austrager have been committed to helping their patients achieve the highest quality health care and improved quality of life for over 12 years. Office also provides DOT examination / physical for people needing medical card for commercial drivers licenses.

Northeastern Chiropractic - Dr. Melissa Diaz and Dr. Peter Chiang specialize in the treatment and rehabilitation of spine and joint conditions, sports injuries, and pregnancy/family care. Experienced in the treatment of personal injury cases and motor vehicle accidents. Most insurances accepted. Flexible schedule and free consultations available.

Wexler Chiropractic - Dr. Richard Wexler and team have been delivering quality chiropractic care to the Framingham and Metrowest community since 1986.

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