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Here you will find services including: business coaches, graphic artists, printers, payroll services, delivery services, and more

Bartleby Scriveners - Bartleby Scriveners is Bob Schecter helping individuals write books, newsletters, blogs, and web page text. Professional writing service for newsletters, articles and books.

Boston Technology Advisors, Inc. - IT support for small businesses. Online backup and recovery services. New office computer setup and office moves. Proactive monitoring and 24/7 technical support. Personal data privacy compliance assessments and corporate data security program design and implementation.

Definitive Healthcare, LLC - healthcare data and analytics company. Offers subscription based access to commercial database of info from hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, physician groups, Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) and other healthcare related entities. Databases include hospital executive contact info, IT infrastructure info, financials and other info to enable clients to more efficiently connect with hospital decision makers

Market Data Group - market research firm located on Route 9, (in the Crown building), just west of Rt. 126.

National Field & Focus - "Performance Plus" market research company provides marketing tests, recruits focus groups, performs taste testing, mall intercepts and other forms for marketing and consumer research and data collection.

No Worries Professional Organizing - Framingham-based professional organizing service. Specializes in Business and Residential Organization, Life Management and Home Staging. Proven methodology and a "hands-on, get it done approach". Owner Michele D. Matties, CPO® (Certified Professional Organizer) and her associates "team" with clients to prioritize the work that needs to get done, create custom organizational solutions to increase productivity, and put order back into their client's professional and personal settings. Specialties Include: Financial Organization, Computer Organization, Multiple Office Management, Home Staging. As a board member for NSGCD (National Study Group of Chronic Disorganization) Michele is trained to work with clients with special challenges such as ADD/ADHD, hording and physical challenges.

Prevco Audio - provides commercial sound and music systems - backed by N.I.C.E.T. Certified Engineering. Systems sales, installations, upgrades, technical services and business music. Also provide audio conversion, duplication, editing, enhancement and restoration of treasured records, tapes & other recordings for businesses, (and the general public).

Rain Group - helps companies with complex products and services improve sales performance.

Security Detection - metal detectors, x-ray machines, security / scanning metal detecting machine sales, rental and repairs. Providing security equipment for celebrities and world class events from Dali Lama visits to NFL/Superbowl and NBA games to United Nations Assembly meetings. Contact Michael White, Director Eastern Region. Call Toll Free: 1-800-930-3766

Sourcentra - source for custom packaging and marketing related printed items, advertising premiums and promotional pieces.

Winett Associates - provides market research, customized market analysis and professional writing services.

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