Throughout the weekend Union and Confederate re-enactors will be camping on
the Common and demonstrating Civil War camplife and customs.
They welcome visitors to their campsites and encourage your interest
and questions about this fascinating time in our history.
According to Tom Ellis, Framingham’s Civil War historian, over 500 men from
the town served in "The War Between the States." Framingham’s women sent
quantities of much needed supplies, bandages, and bedding, and Saxonville’s
mills provided cloth for blankets and Union uniforms. Harmony Grove was
the site of many anti-slavery rallies.
A Medal of Honor recipient is buried in the Civil War section of the Edgell
Grove Cemetery and the Edgell Memorial Library was built to honor those who
served in the Civil War. Plymouth Church was the site of the first public
singing of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and its author, Julia Ward
Howe, attended rallies at Harmony Grove.
The Edgell Memorial Library will feature displays of Civil War memorabilia
related to Framingham’s involvement and contributions to the war effort.
Please join the Framingham Tercentennial Commission as we recall and honor
the people and events that shaped Framingham in the 1860’s.
Civil War Encampment - April 28, 29, 30, 2000 - Framingham Centre Common
Friday, April 28
Re-enactors Set-up Camp
Drop-in Visitors Welcome
Framingham School Children Visit
8 p.m.
Civil War Music Concert by
Gloucester Hornpipe & Clog Society
at Uncommon Coffeehouse
at First Parish Church (fee)
Saturday, April 29
Camp Open 9 - 5 to the Public
Morning Activities
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Limited Edition Civil War Memorial Library &
Soldier Postal Cancellation by USPS clerk (fee)
9:30 a.m.
Mail Call/Pay Call, Letters from
School Children Distributed
10:00 a.m.
Re-Dedication of Civil War Statue by
Girl Scout Troop # 2112 & Dignitaries
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Civil War Exhibit at Edgell Memorial Library
10:30 a.m.
Noon Company Drill, Union and Confederate Troops
11:00 a.m.
Underground Railway Theater Performance
for Children: "Are You Ready My Sister?",
The Story of Harriet Tubman - Village Hall
Afternoon Activities
Free Ice Cream Social hosted by Girl Scouts
12:30 p.m.
Heritage Program - Jonathan Maynard Lawn featuring
John LaChance portraying Abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison and
quoting from a speech given at an Anti-Slavery Rally at Harmony
Grove on Farm Pond
1:30 p.m.
1860's Fashion Show
2:30 p.m.
Firing Demonstration, Infantry & Artillery
3:00 p.m.
Medical Demonstration
4:00 p.m.
Life of the Soldier Tour of Camp
5:00 p.m.
Camp Closes to Public
Ham & Bean Supper - First Parish Church (fee)
Belles & Beaux 1860’s Ball - Village Hall (fee)
Sunday, April 30
Camp open 9 - 4 to the Public
Morning Activities
9 a.m.
Re-enactors Church Service
Edgell Grove Cemetery Chapel
Tours of Civil War Graves
Edgell Grove Cemetery
Self-tours of Camp
Afternoon Activities
Recreation of First Public Singing of
"Battle Hymn of the Republic" at Plymouth Church
1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Civil War Exhibits - Edgell Memorial Library
1:30 p.m.
Re-Dedication of the Civil War Flag
at Edgell Memorial Library
2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Tea, Tours, Organ Concert - First Baptist Church
4:00 p.m.
Camp Breaks Up
Ongoing Activities
Tours of Civil War Graves - Edgell Grove Cemetery
Open House & Exhibits - Edgell Memorial Library
& Framingham Historical Society
Self-tours of Camp, visits with Union & Confederate Re-enactors
Sutler's Row open featuring Miss Molly's Original Kettle Korn
Tercentennial Souvenir Booth & Refreshment Stand

photo by Debra Cleveland
The Edgell Memorial Library was built as a living memorial to Framingham’s Civil War soldiers in 1872.
The statue, by Martin Milmore, was purchased and installed as a further memorial and originally stood within the library.
Until recently, a 34 star silk Union flag carried in the war by the 13th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, many from Framingham, was displayed in the Edgell Library.
The statue has been adopted by Girl Scout Troop #2112 which spearheaded a preservation campaign.
Both the statue and the flag will be part of re-dedication ceremonies during the April Civil War Encampment.
Donations to restore the statue may be sent to the Soldier Preservation Fund, Community National Bank, 35 Edgell Road, Framingham, MA 01701.
Flag restoration donations may be sent to the Framingham Historical Society, P.O. Box 2032, Framingham, MA 01703.
Most activities are free, some are first come,
first served and limited seating.
Ball admittance by advance reservation only.
IMPORTANT! Restricted parking near Common! Please take
advantage of FREE parking & FREE shuttle busses running
8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday & Sunday. Busses stop at
Callahan Senior Center, Bowditch Field, Framingham State
College lot on Union Ave., Brophy & Walsh Schools.
For further information, please call 508-628-1393
or write:
Civil War Encampment Committee
Framingham Tercentennial Commission
P.O. Box 2621
Framingham, MA 01703