Incorporated June 25th in the year 1700, Framingham,
in the year 2000 celebrates its Tercentennial, 300 years
as a town in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

The Framingham Tercentennial Commission's float in the 1999 Flag Day parade, featuring Tercentennial logo design by Richard Thorne.
The float was constructed by students at Keefe Tech, a regional vocational high school located in Framingham.
- Road Race, Parade, Flag Day Week - June 8 & 11.
Framingham Five Miler (Road Race), Tercentennial Parade, Flag Retirement Ceremony
- Framingham Tercentennial Celebration Events - updated info on planned events; parades, country fairs, concerts and more!
- Civil War Encampment Weekend - April 28, 29, 30, 2000 - Framingham Centre Common.
Re-enactors in period uniforms will celebrate Framingham's rich Civil War history.
- Framingham's Civil War Flag - "Rally 'Round the Flag",
efforts are underway to restore this flag carried by Massachusetts 13th Regiment soldiers and given
to the Town in 1873.
- Country Fair 2000 - May 31 to June 4, 2000 - Cushing Grounds
- Tercentennial Memorabilia: - mugs, pins, prints, coverlets, t-shirts and other Framingham Tercentennial memorabilia are available now!
- Las Vegas Night (Tercentennial Fund Raiser)
- Student Wins Tercentennial Logo Contest!
- Tercentennial Logo Contest Info
- Commission - Statement of Establishment and Charge
and photos from early planning meeting