With increased use of the commuter rail service, and revitalization of Downtown Framingham, lately, this is one of the most frequently asked questions.
The town is currently in the process of opening more downtown parking spaces, and here is a list of currently operating Town Owned Parking Facilities.
The U.S. Census Bureau lists Framingham's population for 1980 as 65,113 then 64,989 in 1990, (a decrease of 124 people during a decade).��The Framingham Town Clerk's Annual Report shows the population is on the rise, in 1995 reaching 68,829, (an increase of 3,840 new residents from 1990 to 1995). In 1997 the State of Massachusetts reported only 64,536
Many people refer to Framingham as the "biggest town in the country", citing the town as the most populace municipality in the US with a town meeting form of government.
Framingham sets two rates, one for residential properties, and second rate for commercial, industrial and personal property. The table below shows current and historical Framingham Property Tax Rates.
Year | Residential | Commercial, Industrial, or Personal Property |
2011 | $16.03 | $37.11 |
2010 | $14.52 | $33.65 |
2009 | $12.83 | $29.45 |
2008 | $12.53 | $28.09 |
2007 | $11.85 | $28.41 |
2006 | $11.34 | $29.09 |
2005 | $11.79 | $31.21 |
2004 | $13.31 | $29.68 |
1999 | $17.82 |
*(per $1000.00 valuation).
You can find rates for other Massachusetts cities and towns on the MA State web site, (mass.gov), if you search for "At A Glance Reports".
The total area of the town of Framingham is 26.44 square miles, (25.12 square miles are land and 1.32 are covered by water).
The town of Framingham is located halfway between the cities of Boston and Worcester in the state of Massachusetts, in the United States of America.
Birth Certificates are available from the Town Clerk's office for persons born in the Town of Framingham from the year 1700 to the present.
Framingham Town ClerkThe local bus service was called "L.I.F.T.", (Local Intra-Framingham Transit). LIFT PUBLIC TRANSIT SYSTEM is now under the MetroWest Regional Transit Authority, 37 Waverly St, Framingham, MA. 01702 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm Phone: 508-935-2222 Toll Free: 1-888-996-9782 Fax: 508-935-2225 MONDAY - FRIDAY FARES 2009: One Way $1.50; Ten-Ride Pass $11.00; Twenty-Ride Pass $22.00 Elderly and Disabled fare is $0.75 and passes cost $7.00 (individuals must have valid MBTA or Medicare Access Card) Blind persons with a Massachusetts Commission for the Blind Card ride free Children under 6 when accompanied by an adult ride free. More info at: https://www.mwrta.com/
Logan Express Bus service and MBTA Commuter Rail service are available to and from Framingham. The Logan Express Bus Station is located at Shopper's World, Cochituate Road (Route 30). The Commuter Rail Station is located on Waverly Street (Rt. 135) in Downtown Framingham. The station is on the MBTA's Commuter Rail map, (on the "Purple Line"). You can get maps, rates, schedules and pricing at Logan Express and www.mbta.com.
You can get some good information at the Massachusetts State home page. Go to https://www.state.ma.us/, then click on Commonwealth Communities. Next, click on Framingham. You can find economic information from the MA Dept. of Revenue on the "AT-A-GLANCE report", (and also compare it to other MA cities and towns).
You may also want to contact the Metrowest Chamber of Commerce, or the Framingham Town Clerk.
On June 25th, 1700, with 350 residents, Framingham was incorporated as a town in the state of Massachusetts. (The year 2000 was Framingham's 300th Birthday!).
Designed in 1900 for the town's bicentennial, the Framingham Town Seal represents events, people, and places significant to the development of Framingham as a town. Click here to read more about the Framingham Town Seal.
If you have other questions about Framingham, MA, please contact us! We'll do our best to find the answer.