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Government Guide | Zoning Bylaws of Framingham


Land use in the Town of Framingham is subject to regulation under various state and local laws and by-laws. In addition to the Zoning By-Law (and its statutory authority, "THE ZONING ACT", Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Laws), these laws and by-laws include the following:

1. Subdivision of land is regulated under Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 41, Sections 81K - 81GG ("THE SUBDIVISION CONTROL LAW"), and the Framingham Planning Board's "RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE SUBDIVISION OF LAND IN THE TOWN OF FRAMINGHAM", adopted pursuant to Ch. 41. The "RULES AND REGULATIONS" set forth standards for the construction of streets and municipal services and ensuring sanitary conditions in subdivisions.

2. Development in wetlands is regulated under Section 18. "Framingham Wetlands Protection By-Law" of Article V. "Health and Safety" of the TOWN OF FRAMINGHAM BY-LAWS (see APPENDIX 9 of these Zoning By-Laws) and the State Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L. Ch. 131, Sec. 10, administered by the Framingham Conservation Commission and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering. The Framingham Wetlands Protection By-Law and the Wetlands Protection Act provide for public review of proposed projects which involve construction or other alterations of land in or near wetlands or other land which is subject to periodic flooding.

3. "Nuisances", or specific conditions constituting a hazard or blight, or adversely affecting property values, may be regulated under Section 4 "Nuisance By-Law" of Article VII "Signs and Districts" of the TOWN OF FRAMINGHAM BY-LAWS (see APPENDIX 2 of these Zoning By-Laws), adopted pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 139, Sec. 1 - 3A. Under this By-Law, the Board of Selectmen must hold a public hearing on a condition which the Building Commissioner considers to constitute a nuisance, and may order the removal of any such condition determined to be a nuisance.

4. Signs are regulated under Section 1 "Sign By-Law" of Article VII. "Signs and Districts" of the TOWN OF FRAMINGHAM BY-LAWS (see APPENDIX 3 of these Zoning By-Laws), adopted pursuant to M.G.L. Chapters 93 and 43B. The Sign By-Law is enforced by the Building Commissioner and administered by the Sign Review Board.

5. Off-street parking is regulated by the Zoning By-Law (Sec. IV.A and IV.B.) and the Town's handicapped parking by-law (see APPENDIX 4 of these Zoning By-Laws). Both sets of regulations set forth similar standards with respect to handicapped parking: the principal difference is that whereas the Building Commissioner is responsible for enforcement of the Zoning By-Law, the Police Department is responsible for enforcement of the Handicapped Parking By-Law. Handicapped parking in the Town of Framingham is also governed by the standards of the "Americans with Disabilities Act" and the Massachusetts Architectural Access Board.

6. Preservation of Historic or Architecturally Significant Buildings is governed by Section 17A. "Demolition Delay By-Law for Historic or Architecturally Significant Buildings" of Article V. "Health and Safety" of the TOWN OF FRAMINGHAM BY-LAWS (see APPENDIX 9 of these Zoning By-Laws).

7. Permits for Access to Public Ways are regulated under Section 8 "Public Way Access Permits" of Article VI. "Roads, Highways, Bridges, Rubbish Disposal, Water and Sewer" of the TOWN OF FRAMINGHAM BY-LAWS (see APPENDIX 10 of these Zoning By-Laws).

In addition to the above laws and regulations, other regulations and standards such as historic district controls, utility permit requirements, and the Town of Framingham Department of Public Works' "Construction Standards" may apply to specific cases.

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