Framingham Town Hall Phone Directory

Most Town of Framingham government offices are open from 8:30am until 5:00pm. Except for emergency services such as Animal Control, Fire, Police, you should not expect calls to be answered on weekends, holidays or after hours.

Accounting(508) 532-5410
Animal Control(508) 532-5870
Arena(508) 532-5950
Assessor(508) 532-5415
Assistant Town Manager(508) 532-5404
Board of Health(508) 532-5470
Board of Selectmen(508) 532-5400
Building and Wire(508) 532-5500
Building Services(508) 532-5485
Capital Buildings Project Manager(508) 532-5436
Community and Economic Development(508) 532-5455
Conservation(508) 532-5460
Council on Aging(508) 532-5980
Cultural Council(508) 532-5440
Disability Commission(508) 532-5540
Emergency Management Agency(508) 532-5925
Engineering(508) 532-6010
Fair Housing Commission(508) 532-5540
Finance(508) 532-5425
Fire(508) 532-5930
Government Channel(508) 532-5517
Historic District Commission(508) 820-9707
Housing Rehabilitation(508) 532-5457
Human Resources(508) 532-5490
Human Relations Commission(508) 532-5540
Human Services(508) 532-5408
Inspectional Services(508) 532-5500
Library(508) 532-5570
Licensing(508) 532-5402
Parks & Recreation(508) 532-5960
Payroll(508) 532-5492
Planning Board(508) 532-5450
Police(508) 532-5926
Public Works(508) 532-5600
Purchasing(508) 532-5405
Retirement(508) 532-5465
School Department(508) 626-9117
Technology Services(508) 532-5829
Town Clerk(508) 532-5520
Town Counsel(508) 532-5406
Town Manager(508) 532-5678
Treasurer/Collector(508) 532-5430
Veterans(508) 532-5515
Webmaster(508) 532-5829
Weights and Measures(508) 532-5480
Zoning Board of Appeals(508) 532-5456