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Legal Notices

PUBLIC HEARING: Planning Board, By-Law Amendments 3/24/11

March 16th, 2011

LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF FRAMINGHAM PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING In accordance with the provisions of General Laws Chapter 40A, Section 5 the Framingham Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 7:45 p.m. in the Blumer Community Room, Memorial Building, 150 Concord Street, Framingham, Massachusetts, to consider amendments to the Town of… [read more].


March 16th, 2011

NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Claudio F. Miranda to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Drew Mortgage Associates, Inc. dated November 28, 2005, recorded with the Middlesex County (Southern District) Registry of Deeds in Book 46557,… [read more].

LEGAL NOTICE: Robert Ellis Martin, Probate, Will

March 16th, 2011

NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Docket No. BA11P0220EA In the Estate of Robert Ellis Martin, late of Brewster, MA 02631, Date of Death 11/23/2008, To Lenore A. Lauro and all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented praying that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent… [read more].


March 16th, 2011

MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage given by Bibiana Ramos to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., dated March 8, 2007 and recorded with the Middlesex County (Southern District) Registry of Deeds at Book 49117, Page 478 of which the Mortgage the… [read more].

Town Wants to Buy Two 2-Family Homes

February 28th, 2011

FRAMINGHAM, MA – The Framingham Housing Authority has issued a Legal Notice that it is looking for two 2-family houses to buy. The Authority issued a REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS which are to be, “received and evaluated on a rolling basis as described in [this] RFP until the Authority has selected a property for purchase”. Proposals will be… [read more].

Bid For 70 Acre Landscape Contract at Cushing

February 18th, 2011

FRAMINGHAM, MA – The Town of Framingham is accepting bid proposals for general landscaping services on the grounds of the former Cushing Hospital property, encompassing an area of approximately 70 acres. Services include mowing, leaf removal, shrub trimming and related services. Bid specifications will be available Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. to be picked-up at… [read more].

Public Auction at Framingham Self Storage

February 17th, 2011

Public Auction at Framingham Self Storage

FRAMINGHAM, MA – According to a legal notice filed pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 105A, and in order to satisfy past due rents and fees owed, Framingham Self Storage, (the lien holder),will sell at Public Auction at 1:30 P.M. on 2/18/11 at at Framingham Self Storage 160 Fountain st., Framingham, MA 01702, the personal property stored… [read more].

Hearing on Addition to Rt. 135 Health Center

February 17th, 2011

354 Waverly St, Framingham, MA, (Google Earth view)

FRAMINGHAM, MA – A legal notice issued by the MA Dept. of Transportation indicates that Framingham Building Inspector Michael F. Foley, has requested the Massachusetts Department of Transportation conduct a hearing to determine whether a building permit shall be issued to the Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center, Inc., (formerly Great Brook Valley Health Center), for construction… [read more].

Town Taking Bids for Cemetery Landscaping

February 17th, 2011

FRAMINGHAM, MA – The Town of Framingham is accepting bids for general landscaping services on the grounds Old South Cemetery, Main Street Cemetery, and Edwards Cemetery. Services include mowing, leaf removal, shrub trimming and related services. Bid specifications will be available Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. to be picked-up at the Procurement Office, Memorial Building,… [read more].

Framingham Board of Selectmen Set New Tax Rate for 2008

December 20th, 2007

Framingham Town Hall (Memorial Building)

FRAMINGHAM, MA — At their board meeting on Tuesday evening, December 18, 2007, the Framingham Board of Selectmen voted to raise the residential rate from $ 11.86 assessed value in fiscal 2007 to $ 12.53 in fiscal 2008. The business rate was lowered from $ 28.43 per $ 1000 assessed value to $ 28.09. This new rate… [read more].