Framingham Online News


December 25, 2008 (10:41 am EST)
Filed under: Seniors by News Staff


Town of Framingham & Callahan Center Snowstorm Policy Notice - If the schools close due to snowstorms or other inclement weather days, there will be no activities at the Center. On these days, the Town of Framingham Staff will be available to you at the Center, unless the Town of Framingham declares an emergency closing.

Support Groups at Callahan Senior Center:

  • Bereavement Support Group: Mondays, January 5, 12 & 26 at 10:00 am.
  • ‘Better Breathers’ Support Group: Wednesday, January 14 at 12:00 noon.
  • Caregivers’ Support Group: Tuesday, January 13 at 10:30 am.
  • Diabetes Support Group: Tuesday, January 27 at 10:00 am.
  • Grandparent Support Group: Wednesday, January 28 at 7:00 pm. Please always call the Center to confirm in case the date changes.
  • Low Vision Group: No meetings in January or February.
  • Massage Therapy: Thursday, January 8, by appt. only.
  • Parkinson’s Support Group: Tuesday, January 20 at 1:30 pm.
  • Podiatry: Wed., January 14 with Dr. John 12:30 - 4:00 pm . Wednesday, January 28,with Dr. Lukoff from 1:00 - 3:30 pm.
  • Stroke Survivors’ Support Group: Monday, January 5 at 1:00 pm.

BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC FOR JANUARY - Wednesdays, January 7, 14, 21 & 28 from 9:00—12:30 pm.

WANTED: Manager for Heritage Gallery - Looking for someone to manage small consignment gift shop at the Callahan Center. Candidate must have retail experience, must be computer-literate, and be able to train volunteer sales staff. Small monthly stipend. Store hours are Wednesday-Friday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Our intention is to be open Monday through Friday, but the new manager does not have to be on-site every day. For more information, please call Cheryl Lobdell at 508-532-5982.

NEEDED: Data Entry Volunteer - The Callahan Center is looking for a Volunteer who is computer-literate in Word & Excel to input data. Four-hour shifts available. Please call Lorraine Fournier at 508-532-5980, ext. 4102 to apply.

Callahan Center in Partnership with Framingham State College Lifelong Learners Presents:

“Films and Recordings of a Mardi Gras Celebration” - Thursday, February 19th, 2009 - 10:00 am at Callahan Center - $7.00 Donation required (Please sign up by Tuesday, February 17th.)

Movie, Lecture & Discussion: “Racial and Ethical Prejudices in Film” with Dr. Lawrence Lowenthal Tuesday, February 24 and Tuesday, March 3, 2009 - 5:45 pm at the Callahan Center - Callahan Center doors will be open at 5:30 pm for the 5:45 pm movie (approx. 2 hrs.) Dr. Lowenthal will arrive at 8:00 pm for the discussion. $15.00 Donation required (Please sign up by Tuesday, February 17th)

“Arts in the Modern Age” with Professor Jason Giannetti - Wednesday evenings, March 18, 25 & April 1, 2009 - 6:30 pm at Callahan Center - $21.00 Donation required (Please sign up by Friday, March 13th)

WANTED: Contract Bridge Players - A fun group of contract Bridge players meet each Tuesday, year-round. Check-in time is 8:45 am. We play from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. Come alone or bring a friend!

Beat the Holiday Blues! Part II - Part II of our discussion group on how to deal with the holiday blues is scheduled for January 12th, 2009 at 10:00 am. Lisa Ushkurnis, Callahan’s Clinical Social Worker, will facilitate the seminar, which is aimed at looking at the HIGH’s and LOW’s associated with the holiday season.

Coming up in February! February 9, 2008 at 10:00 am at Callahan Center. The Framingham Garden Club will be here to assist those interested in creating a Valentine’s Day arrangement. There is a fee of $5.00 to cover the cost of materials. Please bring your own scissors. Seating is limited; please call the Center at 508-532-5980 to sign up no later than Wednesday, February 4th. No walk-ins.

Friends of Callahan general meeting will be on Monday, January 12, 2009 at 1:30 pm at the Callahan Center. Entertainment will be provided by Lisa Manning and Friends. Refreshments will be served. Please come and bring a friend.


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