FPAC-TV Unveils New Name and Logo

FPAC-TV rebrands itself as ''Access Framingham'' and will use new logo (above) and new website address: www.accessfram.tv
FRAMINGHAM, MA - At Monday night's Annual Meeting of Framingham Public Access Corporation, FPAC members heard about the successes of the past year and challenges to come for Framingham's Community Media Center. Then the board and staff added a surprise announcement.
Beginning this week, FPAC will operate with a new name and logo, one that FPAC officials believe will reflect the organization's mission to engage, serve, and enrich the community by developing programming by and for the people of Framingham, providing educational opportunities, and facilitating the exchange of information through traditional and new media.
The new name for the five-year-old organization will be "Access Framingham".
Access Framingham will remain committed to the promise of public access as delivered by cable to Framingham homes via Comcast, RCN and Verizon, along with a continuing focus on media training for members of the community, and outreach and partnership with other organizations serving the local community.
"As we enter our sixth year serving this community, we wanted to find a way to stress that we are here to help folks 'Discover Framingham' and its neighborhoods; to 'Understand Framingham' and all the people who make up our community; to 'Celebrate Framingham' and all the great things our town has to offer," said Executive Director Bill McColgan. "In short, we are here to help our viewers, our members, and our friends in the community to Access Framingham."
The corporation's official name remains Framingham Public Access Corporation, but rebranding is underway on all station ID’s, signage, and web pages.
Access Framingham TV can be viewed in Framingham on Comcast Channel 9, RCN Channel 3, and Verizon Channel 43. For more information about Access Framingham, you are invited to call the studio at 508-875-5434, or visit the website at www.accessfram.tv