Framingham Online News


August 28, 2009 (4:24 pm EST)
Filed under: Seniors by News Staff

FRAMINGHAM,MA -- The Heritage Gallery, after being closed for the month of August, is BACK IN ACTION with a SALE and loads of new, fresh merchandise beginning on Wednesday, September 9th. The Gallery reopens at 10:00 am; the SALE will take place the 9th, 10th and 11th only. Gallery hours are Wednesday, Thursday & Friday from 10:00 am—2:00 pm. The Heritage Gallery is a wonderful place to browse for "hidden treasures." The Gallery accepts consignments and donations. Appointments encouraged. Call (508) 532-5980 for information.

Support Groups at Callahan Senior Center:

Bereavement Support Group: Mondays, September 14 & 21 at 10:00 am. No meetings on Labor Day Holiday or Yom Kippur.

‘Better Breathers’ Support Group: Wednesday, September 9 at 12:00 noon.

Caregivers’ Support Group: Please note new date and time- last Wednesday of the month—September 30 at 2:30 pm.

Diabetes Support Group: Tuesday, September 29 at 10:00 am.

Grandparent Support Group: Wednesday, September 30 at 7:00 pm. Please call the Center to confirm in the event of a change.

Low Vision Group: Friday, September 18, at 1:00 pm.

Massage Therapy: Thursdays, September 3 & 17 (by appt. only). Parkinson’s Support Group: Tuesday, September 15 at 1:30 pm.

Podiatry: Wed., September 9 with Dr. John 12:30 - 4:00 pm & Wed., September 23, with Dr. Lukoff from 1:00 - 3:30 pm (by appt. only).

Stroke Survivors’ Support Group: Monday, September 14 at 1:00 pm.

BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC FOR SEPTEMBER - Wednesdays, 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 from 9:30—12:30

Tuesday, September 8th at 11:00 am, Dr. Krishma Nirmel, a local Neuro Surgeon, will be at Callahan Center to conduct a presentation on new treatment for back pain and Spinal Stenosis.

Monday, September 14th at 9:00 am, the Callahan Bowling league starts up on and bowls every Monday at Fairway Lanes on Rte. 9 in Natick.

Wednesday, September 16th at 10:00 am, Peter Harvell will conduct a presentation on Veterans’ benefits. Following the presentation Peter will hold an office hour here at the Callahan Center 10:45-12:00.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009 from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Callahan Center & ‘Best of Times’ Travel Show: featuring new Multi-day Tours for 2010!

Thursday, September 17th at 10:30 am, Callahan Center - Discussion: “ Staying physically active.” Activity of the month: Sign up for Walking Club

Thursday, September 17th from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., a six week course in Acrylic Painting will be offered at the Callahan Center. Class will be held every Thursday for 6 weeks. The cost is $56.00 and is due when you register. Also, a list of acrylic painting supplies needed for the course will be available when you register.

Friday, September 17th at 11:30 am, Zumba classes will start up again at Callahan Center!

The Callahan Center offers a number of courses including Introduction to the PC, Intermediate PC, Internet and Email, MS Word, and Photoshop. All are 4-day a month courses and the donation is $20.00.

Contract Bridge Anyone? Tuesday morning contract bridge group is looking for new players. This is a friendly, fun group that meets year-round. Come alone or bring a friend. All attendees will get to play. Check-in time 8:45 am. Bridge from 9:00—11:30 am.

SHINE: An Important Time of the Year for Those on Medicare - If you have Medicare, before long you will be getting important information from your Prescription Drug Plan, your Medicare Health Plan, and/or Prescription Advantage (if you are a member). It is very important to read the letters and understand the information they contain. DO NOT IGNORE ANY LETTERS FROM YOUR PLANS! During the annual Medicare Open Enrollment (November 15 - December 31), you will have a chance to CHANGE your coverage for next year. Our state-certified SHINE (Medicare) Counselors can help you understand your plan changes, as well as other options you may have. SAVE THE LETTERS FROM YOUR PLANS! To schedule a FREE appointment with a SHINE Counselor, call your senior center. You can also reach a SHINE Counselor by telephone. Call 1-800-AGE-INFO (1-800-243-4636), then press or say 3. Once you get the SHINE answering machine, leave your name and number. A SHINE Counselor will call you back as soon as possible.


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