Framingham Online News

News from the Framingham Farmers Market

August 23, 2009 (1:04 pm EST)
Filed under: Home & Garden by News Staff

Contributed by Elizabeth Aurilio, Market Manager

FRAMINGHAM, MA --This week at the Farmers Market on the Centre Comon on Edgell Road we'll finally have CHEESE! I thank you for your patience while we put this picture together, and am excited to finally offer a range of farmstead and artisanal cheeses at the market this coming week - fresh mozzarella, sharp cheddar, buttery triple creme and fresh goat cheeses are just a handful of the selection.

Jilo, Taioba, Maxixe - our Hmong farmers' are growing more than just their own ethnic foods - they're also bringing Brazillian favorites to market. These very unusual vegetables are fun to try and the farmers' encourage you to ask them about popular ways to prepare these specialties. Recipes are often available for the asking.

If traditional favorites are more your stride, now is the time to stock up on peaches, white peaches, nectarines, white nectarines, roma tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers and pickling cucumbers - canning season is upon us and now is the time to begin arrangements with your favorite farmers' for bulk canning and preserving discounts. A little smattering of peach jam, some hot pepper relish, fire roasted red peppers, dill pickles and homemade tomato sauce will be your sources of comfort this winter when the growing season is over and the markets are closed.

The Ernie Update: Still bumbling about picking corn and peaches - it's the peak of the season and the best food is fresh picked! That means Ernie has to harvest daily to bring the freshest corn and peaches to market! And there's a lot to pick out there this time of year!

The market is every Thursday from 12:30 - 5:30 p.m. through October.


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