Framingham Online News

State Rep. Debby Blumer Passes Away

October 15, 2006 (3:40 pm EST)
Filed under: General Interest,Politics by Deb Cleveland
Debby Blumer, MA State Rep

MA State Rep. Debby Blumer, dies of apparent heart attack while driving, Friday, October 13, 2006.

FRAMINGHAM, MA - On Friday, October 13th, fresh from one meeting and on her way to the next, State Rep. Debby Blumer apparently suffered a heart attack while at the wheel of her car, which rolled into a guard rail on Dudley Road.

A police officer working a detail nearby ran to the car and administered CPR. A second officer left a nearby funeral procession and used a defibrillator but was unable to revive her. Blumer had had a mild heart attack some years ago and was taking medication and regular stress tests, and was under a doctor's care.

On Monday, October 16 at 10:30 a.m. family and friends will gather for services at Temple Beth Am, 300 Pleasant St., Framingham. The Blumer family home will have a memorial observance from Monday after the burial through Wednesday from noon to 9 p.m.

Massachusetts State Representative Debby Blumer Donations in Blumer's memory can be made to the Angel Fund at 649 Main St., Wakefield, MA 01880; Danforth Museum of Art at 123 Union Ave., Framingham, MA, 01702-8291; or the American Heart Association, 20 Speen St., Framingham, MA 01701.

Blumer was elected as one of Framingham's two state representatives in 2000 and was running unopposed for re-election this year. According to Secretary of State William Galvini's office, it is too late to put a replacement name on the ballot and Blumer's seat could be won by anyone eligible and willing to serve who gets the most votes on election day through a write-in campaign.

Blumer was a full-time representative, always available to help her constituents. She was an active, valuable participant in several Framingham organizations and committees and a familiar face at area events. She leaves a big hole in the community and legislature and will be missed for her smiling, positive presence as well as her contributions.


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