"Statement of Establishment and Charge
The Framingham Tercentennial Commission is the official government
body charged with planning and conducting the events commemorating the
Town's 300th Anniversary.
All official Tercentennial events will be under the auspicies of the Tercentennial Commission.
The goals of the Commission are:
A. To plan and execute a year-long celebration of Framingham's three
hundred year history, its founding, its fullness and diversity, its
B. To provide opportunity for all individual and corporate residents
of the town to join in the celebration;
C. To see that the celebrations are joyful gatherings of the people,
and include using the arts, the sciences and the technologies to let
each person add a contribution.
The official activities of the Commission will be environmentally
friendly and reflect democracy, and inclusion, pride and progress.
There will be times of reflections and remembrance, and times of joyousness and laughter.
There will be music and dancing,services of thanksgiving and gratitude.
There will be parades and tree plantings, laser light shows and jazz offerings.
There will be tours in hay racks and electric buses to sites of historic and future note.
There will be decorations and posters, banners and flags.
All this to the end that when the year 2000 becomes a part of history,
Framingham will have - refreshed memories of who we have been, -
glorious thoughts of who we are and - delightful, firm ideas of whom
we yet shall be."
Tercentennial Commissioner's.
George P. King, Jr., Chairman
James R. Gavin, Vice Chairman
Esther A. H. Hopkins, Treasurer
Mary E. Murphy, Clerk
Argentina Arias
Rachel Bikofsky
Joseph L. Bradley
Joyce H. Capobianco
James Egan
John Hutchins
David Hutchinson
Vernon Johnson
Kathleen T. McCarthy
Michael Menachem
James A. Miller
Patricia Walsh Kirley
Tara Ward
Matthew E. Zettek
Framingham Tercentennial Commission
150 Concord Street
Framingham, MA 01702

(photos taken at early planning meeting, December 3, 1996)
