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September 2024

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Sat, Sep 28th
13th Annual Purple Passion 5k Walk / Run
Voices Against Violence is hosting its 13th Annual Purple Passion 5k walk/run on Saturday September 28th, 2024. Packet pick-up and day-of registration starts at 7:00 AM. We will kick off the event together at 7:30 AM with words from local leaders devoted to ending sexual and domestic violence. The race starts at 8:00 AM sharp, followed by medals and raffle drawing at 9:00. Sponsoring the Purple Passion 5K Run/Walk is a GREAT way to support a critically important cause in your community, while raising awareness of your organization. Contact: for more information about sponsorship opportunities or to contribute a raffle prize. SMOC Headquarters, 7 Bishop St, Framingham, MA

Sat, Sep 28th
The Plymouth Church in Framingham Hosts Annual Fall Fair
The Plymouth Church in Framingham, at 87 Edgell Road, invites everyone to our annual Fall Fair on Saturday, September 28, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. *** A beloved autumn tradition, the Plymouth Church Fall Fair includes a HUGE "White Elephant" household goods sale with countless bargains for all ages, a Jewelry Shop, Cookie Walk, Bake Shoppe with homemade pies, jams, fudge, and breads, themed gift baskets, handmade crafts, a Costume Shop, Books, Christmas decorations, Kids' Games, Luncheonette, and the annual Troop 12 Hot Dog Stand. *** Mark your calendar, so you won't miss out! *** Admission and parking are free and open to all. *** For more information, please call the Church Office at 508.875.1364, or visit website using link below.

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