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September 2022

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Sat, Sep 17th
Keep Framingham Beautiful - next big event series is coming up!
From Saturday 9/17 to Sunday 9/25 we invite the entire Framingham community to participate in the "KFB World Cleanup Week". This event will build upon World Cleanup Day, which is Saturday, September 17th. GOAL: 300+ folks picking up litter throughout the week and posting pictures of their progress to to the KFB Facebook group page. Event is co-sponsored by Keep Framingham Beautiful and Stop & Shop. Use link below for details and sign-up and link to Facebook group page.

Sun, Sep 18th
Framingham Democratic Committee Business Meeting (at Framingham Green)
In-Person Meetings Resume! *** The Framingham Democratic Committee's September Business Meeting takes place on Sunday September 18th, 2022 from 7:00pm 'til 9:00pm in the Community Room at Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Rd., Framingham, MA. *** Parking in lot at 1071 Worcester Road *** Zoom meeting available for those who prefer to attend online. *** First time attendees please use the link below to visit the website and browse the "About Us -> Meetings" page for info regarding meetings, parking, who may speak at meetings and other useful info.

Sat, Sep 24th
Tag Sale to Support Framingham History Center (at Village Hall)
Find your next treasures at the Framingham History Center Tag Sale! *** Saturday, September 24th, 2022 from 9:00am 'til 3:00pm at Village Hall (on Framingham Centre Common), 2 Oak St, Framingham, MA *** Items will include: antiques, curiosities, holiday decor, furniture, linens, jewelry, toys and games, cameras, tin types and gently-used household objects and more. Rain or shine both inside and outside the Village Hall on the Common (2 Oak Street). *** Parking available at 2 Oak Street lot and on Oak Street and Library Street. *** Cash or checks are encouraged. *** All items have been donated to the Framingham History Center and are not part of our collection. Proceeds from the sale support our mission to preserve and share Framingham's history in order to encourage connection to community.

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