Framingham Business Directory
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  • Business must be physically located in Framingham

  • -OR- Business owner must live in Framingham. (owner must submit listing and add the words "I live in Framingham" at beginning of description, text will be removed after listing is confirmed).

  • -OR- The listing is for a major regional facility, (college, corporate headquarters, state agency office or other significant listing). These may be submitted if located in the greater Boston, MA area and primarily serve the Framingham / MetroWest community.

Listing Writing & Style Guidelines

  • DON'T use all CAPITAL letters.

  • don't use all lower case letters.

  • Don't use cRaZZeE case letters.

  • Spelling counts, (punctuation and grammar are nice too).

  • Don't repeat the name of the business in the description.

  • Don't use superlatives, (e.g.- "the best place in town", "lowest price", "fastest service", etc..), in the description.

  • Descriptions should be factual and concise, containing the most significant information with very little fluff. If you have a slogan, motto, historical fact, (e.g. "Over 100 Years at Same Location", or "We never whistle while we work.", throw it in, the worst thing is we'll edit it out).

  • Provide approximately 8 to 10 keywords or key phrases. These should be common names, common mis-spelling, abreviations, words or phrases that help identify the type of business being listed.

Browse through other listings first if you need some ideas on how to write a good listing. We make minor edits if needed. reserves the right to reject any listing or modify the terms, including free offers, at any time. Further, reserves the right to limit or omit any listing at any time after publication with or without notice. Links to online Afiliate Programs, Work At Home Offers, MLM chains, PPC ad programs, adult sites, unsanctioned gaming sites, etc, will be deleted.

To begin, select an appropriate category: (If no appropriate category exists, leave it in the new and Unsorted category. We create new categories as needed and move listings).

Company Name:
City/Town:   State:  Zip Code:



Please list eight to ten or so keywords which best relate to this site.


NOTE: The following information, (your name and email address),
will not appear online. It is needed only to confirm this listing.

Your Name:
Your Email:

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