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Impermea Materials
92 Blandin Ave, Building H
Framingham MA, 01702

Tel: (617) 514-7777

Description: Industrial products division of Detrapel, Inc. Manufactures PFAS-free (and 100% fluorine-free) non-toxic, water-based coatings that are as recyclable, compostable, and repulpable as the substrate they are applied to. Products include oil & grease resistant (OGR), moisture/water vapor transmission barrier (MVTR), fan-apart adhesives, release coatings, UV blockers, flame retardants, anti-fog, superhydrophobicity and oleophobocity -- all at the highest performance standard in the industry, and all without plastics packaging or toxic or dangerous chemicals.

Keywords: PFAS-free coatings, industrial coatings, flame retardant, moisture proof, water proof, leather coatings,

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