Framingham Online | Downtown
Downtown Framingham
Economic Development Strategic Plan
"downtown" defined
October - 1997
For the purposes of a project of the Framingham Planning Department titled
"Downtown Framingham Economic Development Strategic Plan"
the downtown Framingham area has been defined as four parts;
1). "The Spine" - from just north of the Memorial Building on both Concord Street and Union Avenue to
just south of Irving Square on both Hollis and Irving Streets.
2). "The Downtown Core" - an area which includes the spine, and extend to Bishop Street
to the east, to Lincoln Street to the north, to Pearl Street to the west, and the areas including Claflin, Arlington and South Streets to the south.

The Downtown Spine

The Downtown Core
Included in the "downtown core" are the Police Headquarters, the former Dennison Mfg. complex,
the Train Station, Park Square & South Common, the Danforth Museum, the Civic League,
and the Main Library, along with a dense concentration of commercial, transportation, and municipal services
intermixed with residential neighborhoods.

The Downtown Neighborhood
3). Half-mile Radius - just beyond the downtown core the planner's map showed a
mostly residential area (in yellow) which was described as the "within walking distance" portion of the downtown neighborhood.
4). 1-Mile Radius - a final circle on the map designated an area marked, (in light red), "Downtown Neighborhood", which extends to
the Musterfield to the north, to the Natick town line to the east, and to Waushakum Pond and Western Avenue to the south, and
includes includes all of Farm Pond and the Fountian Street area to the west.
For more information contact:
Framingham Planning Dept.
Memorial Building
150 Concord Street
Framingham, MA 01702
Tel: (508)620-4852
Copyright ©1995-2001, all rights reserved.
