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June 2016

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Thu, Jun 30th
Interfaith Woodlands and Wetlands Camp for Kids
Interfaith Woodland and Wetland Adventure Week June 27-July 1, 2016, 9:00am – 12:30 pm *** Explore the wonders of woods and fields and streams! *** Play games, explore trails and investigate rivers, brooks, and ponds. *** Make friends with a tree, get wet, and clear trails. *** Make nature crafts, keep a nature journal, read maps, and catch bugs. *** Every session will include hikes, games, activities, snack time, and a story. *** $100 for the week; $25 per day. *** Exact details on drop-off locations forthcoming, but locations will include Open Spirit Center (39 Edwards St.), Carol Getchell Nature Trail, Nobscot Scout Reservation, Canoeing, a Wayland Conservation Area, and Garden in the Woods.

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